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Hey people surfing our internet blog post! We are Momo (Monica) and Hatchi (Ashley). We both are currently in high school, in a pebL school. We are studying in CASM as of now. Momo plans on graduating in sound engineering. She loves a good thriller, but also a nice romance movie. She loves anything that has sound. Rather it be movies, music, podcast, anything media. Hatchi wants to learn Japanese and study abroad and when she gets older she wants to become a photographer. Scary and a fair amount of romance movies bore her but she loves mysterious and suspenseful movies.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blog Reviews by Hatchi!

Black_Cat XIII review on “Welcome to Macintosh”

The blog had a lot of information, but it wasn’t really in order. She should’ve put the history first because having it last doesn’t really make it a clear conclusion. Overall, the review was well written. Her opinion was clear but short; she should’ve elaborated more and explained what she learned.

Bignsmalls INC review on “Welcome to Macintosh”

Very informative and it was really organized. The whole review flowed together very well, following the format of a good review. “I believe that without this documentary many people would not have understood the full meaning of how difficult it was to develop these computers…” I really like that opinion because a lot of people can agree with that. I enjoyed reading this review and I am looking forward to reading other reviews from them.

Wasians Review review on “Dr. Horrible’s sing a long blog”

I like how they gave a little description about what the movie was about. Although, I think they should’ve fixed it up a bit to where the spoiler is at the end. Also, the last paragraph should’ve gone before the description about the movie because after they talk about the movie they talk about their opinion again. But it was a really good review and I look forward to their future reviews also.

Blog Reviews by Momo!

Momo and Hatchi was assigned to make a blog on our fellow classmate's blog. Positive or negative feedback will allow our classmates to rewrite their reviews and help them get a better grade. The three blogs that myself, Momo, reviews was "Big Dogs At The Movies: Poofie- K & Doggie- J," "Glitter & Feet Take The Day Off," and "The FlickDaddys."

Big Dogs At The Movies: Poof- K & Doggie- J Review on Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
The comment I posted was
"This blog was good, but didn't follow all the guide lines that the review instructions had been given. A bit more information could have been added, seeing that the paragraphs weren't that long. This review could've been more funny or more entertaining. -Momo"
This comment basically describes what I feel about the blog post. The blog post was not very informative. Their opinion was made, but their wasn't any background information that proves his opinion was stated. For a starting blog post, they did pretty good. They could do better next time.

Glitter & Feet Take The Day Off Review on Welcome to Macintosh
The comment I posted was deleted, because I took the time to go over what they had typed. There was a bit of information that was missing, but at least they attempted to make a effort on completing the blog. I can not say I agree on their opinion, and they could've added a bit more support to their opinion. Besides that, they had a fair amount to say, and they did pretty good.

The FlickDaddys Review on Welcome to Macintosh
The comment I made on their blog:
"You gave a lot of information! I got pretty bored after a while, but you made it very informative, and you followed the review guideline! :) Good job! Next time, make it more interesting. -Momo"
This comment is pretty self explanatory.

Momo's Review! :)

Review for “Welcome to Macintosh”

"Engineer's are retarded. They have some kind of brain damage that allows them to not have social skills so that they could concentrate long enough to write code. But it's a disease. That's why I had to quite. I mean, I'm like an engineer in recovery. I don't want to write code anymore. It just makes you retarded. I mean, get a girlfriend, get a life," as said by Jim Reekes. His opinion by Engineer's was not said to be offensive, it was just a quote of humor. This quote was found in the documentary of the company Apple. The documentary is called "Welcome to Macintosh."

Interviews were recorded of well-known workers of Apple. Well, that’s if you know a good amount of information about Apple. Personally, I don’t focus much on computer industries. When the video expressed “awe” of the workers, I was found a bit puzzled. I didn’t understand the importance of these workers. Even after a nice explanation of whom took what role, the only men that caught my interest in Macintosh were the starters, Steven Wozinak and Steve Jobs.

This documentary showed interviews of Wayne Bibbens, Vince Briel, Charles DeVore, Richard Halsey, Andy Hertzfeld, Andrew Hudgins, Leander Kahney, Guy Kawasaki, Steve Kret, John Moltz, Jim Reekes, Simon Tarr, Ron Wayne, and Wayne Wenzlaff. Of all these interviewees listed, Guy Kawasaki and Jim Reekes had the most entertaining answers to the questions that were asked.

“Welcome to Macintosh” did show some interesting parts, such as the troubles it went through to be what it is today. I did not expect it to have so many flaws as it explained. The Apple Industry has shown a significant growth in industry, which was an interesting fact to know. The interviewers also asked the interviewees what they would think about someone trying to fulfill Steve Jobs part in the industry. The answers were pretty interesting. If you want to know what their response was, take a look at the movie!

Is the price of this short documentary worth paying for? My opinion varies. Hardcore Apple fans may take this opinion into consideration. If you know as much as the process of Macs and the struggles, this documentary would only be repeating the facts you already consist of. If you have no current knowledge of Macintosh, you may be interested in some of the information provided, but warning. This film may bore you!


Reviewed by Fred Showker for the User Group Network News Service. (C) 2009, all rights reserved. Affiliate groups may freely republish this piece so long as they include the tag line: "From the User Group Network News Service at http://www.user-groups.net/ " ... Event dates are subject to change. Some products, programs, or promotions are not available outside the U.S. Prices are estimated retail prices and are listed in U.S. dollars. Product specifications are subject to change. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac, Mac OS, Macintosh, Power Mac, Velocity Engine, FireWire, AirPort, Safari, Sherlock, QuickTime, iLife, iTunes, iChat, iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, iCal and Apple Store are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Apple. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither a recommendation nor an endorsement.


• Wayne Bibbens
• Vince Briel
• Charles DeVore
• Richard Halsey
• Andy Hertzfeld
• Andrew Hudgins
• Leander Kahney
• Guy Kawasaki
• Steve Kret
• John Moltz
• Jim Reekes
• Simon Tarr
• Ron Wayne
• Wayne Wenzlaff

Running time
83 minutes.

Not rated.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Hatchi's Review~! :D

The Apple Documentary showed many events and information about how the computers were made and the many problems it went through. Apple was established in 1976 by 2 friends, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. In 1985, Steven Jobs left Apple, leaving the company to survive by itself. Apple was struggling with other competitions like the IBM PC that were out-competing the company. In 1996, Apple purchased Steve Job's company NeXT, meaning that not only that Steve Job's is back in Apple's management, but they also that NeXT technology would be the foundation of the MAC OS X operating system.
Learning about the history of Apple was interesting, but it didn't quite catch my full attention. I mean, the only part I found interesting was when Jim Reekes was making remarks about his own company that he works in. This is just one those documentaries where they teach me something but then I forget later because the way they showed the information wasn't etched into my brain. I love using Mac computers, but Hatchi is also going to have to put a mask onto this documentary!

Friday, September 18, 2009

No mask for "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog"!

Hatchi and Momo reporting in for Joss Whedon's piece "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog"!


"He has a PhD in HORRIBLENESS!" “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog,” which became the #1 TV series for five weeks straight, hasn’t failed to cease my attention. Joss Whedon has done a tremendous job on this short film. Joss Whedon has currently been the head writer of television programs “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “Angel,” “Firefly,” and “Dollhouse.” In 2009, Mr. Whedon won a reward for “Dramatic Presentation, Short Form- Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.” If that doesn’t say much about the significance of this short film, you have a lot more to read on!

Actor Neil Patrick (played in the movie sensation “Rent,” and even in “Spiderman [2003]!”) was practically born to play the part as Dr. Horrible. Dr. Horrible is a man who plans on freezing the world to win over the love of his life, Penny (Actor Felicia Day whom played in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” and the famous film “Bring It On Again.”), and join an evil league with the villain dark horse, but his arch-nemesis, Captain Hammer (Actor Nathan Fillion; played in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” and ABC’s series “Desperate Housewives.”), steals Penny’s heart, while Dark Horse repeatedly turned Dr. Horrible away. That was until, Dark Horse made a deal with the doctor. If Dr. Horrible killed someone, the villain would allow the man to join the evil league! The heartbroken doctor took the offer, and planned his revenge on Captain Hammer. His plan was to kill the “Hero” that Penny loved so dearly. Dr. Horrible didn’t plan what resulted in the end. What exactly happened? That’s something for you to figure out!

Did I mention that this film is a musical? It’s pretty obvious, if you look back at the title. If you do not like musicals, this is not the movie for you! After every song, there would be a 3-minute music-less moment, and then the music would come back! Personally, Hatchi and I (Momo) love musicals. The vocals of all the actors were absolutely beautiful! The actors played an amazing role. This short Internet film deserves two thumbs up!


Dr Horrible was written by Joss Whedon, Zack Whedon, Maurissa Tancharoen and Jed Whedon. Filming was shot by director Joss Whedon. Music and lyrics were written by Joss Whedon, Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen. Score and Orchestration by Jed Whedon.


Neil Patrick Harris
Nathan Fillion
Felicia Day

Simon Helberg

Nick Towne

Jed Whedon
Rob Reinis

Otto Michael Penzato
Lance Lanfear

Running Time:

60 minutes


Not Rated

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Masking "The Time Traveler's Wife" and "I Love You, Beth Cooper"

Tuning in is Momo's review for "The Time Traveler's Wife". To be quite honest, the movie had disappointed me. I expected it to be a lot better, but it didn't move me at all. The background story wasn't that great. Some parts of the movie put me to sleep, but some parts keep me awake. If I had to rate the movie, it would be a C+. The actors were amazing. Eric Bana played a great role as Henry. Rachel McAdams was amazing as well.

Tuning in is Hatchi's review for "I Love You, Beth Cooper" This was a really boring movie to me. Basically, it's your typical love movie. A guy falls in love, the girl leaves the other guy for the main character. The only funny parts was when Hayden Panettiere, Beth Cooper's, boyfriend, Shawn Roberts (In the movie: Kevin) beats up the "dweeb", Paul Rust (In the movie: Denis Cooverman).