About Us!

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United States
Hey people surfing our internet blog post! We are Momo (Monica) and Hatchi (Ashley). We both are currently in high school, in a pebL school. We are studying in CASM as of now. Momo plans on graduating in sound engineering. She loves a good thriller, but also a nice romance movie. She loves anything that has sound. Rather it be movies, music, podcast, anything media. Hatchi wants to learn Japanese and study abroad and when she gets older she wants to become a photographer. Scary and a fair amount of romance movies bore her but she loves mysterious and suspenseful movies.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fun at the Renaissance Festival! (Review by Hatchi)

The Renaissance festival that we went to was in Plantersville, Texas. It's known to as the world's largest Renaissance festival. Cool, huh? The festival started in 1974 on the location of an old mining strip.

I went to this fun feast with my blog partner, Momo(Monica), and a close friend, Chelsea. The bus ride there was not fun at all. I've never been so uncomfortable in a bus before in my life. But once we got there my friends and I were excited and couldn't wait to get inside. Once we were inside we walked around for about 20 mintues. Then Momo gets a call and it seems that some of her friends want to meet up with us so we can all hang out. So, they told us where they were, and we spent almost half an hour looking for them. It was very frustrating but we finally found them. That whole half an hour or so made us hungry, and we decided to go get some yummy funnel cake! When we finished we walked around again and come upon this ride where we get in this carriage type thing and they spin us really fast. It was fun, but the bad thing about it was that we ate funnel cake right before getting onto it, so Hatchi was kind of sick and dizzy after getting off, but soon recovered after a drink of some delicious strawberry beverage. We looked around some more and found an amazing Jewelry shop that sold various type of jewelry. My partner, Momo, and I bought some cool looking rings, that I am in fact wearing today!

If you decide to go the festival you should definitely bring a friend along. It would be way more fun! And you could have a lot of fun experiences!

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