About Us!

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United States
Hey people surfing our internet blog post! We are Momo (Monica) and Hatchi (Ashley). We both are currently in high school, in a pebL school. We are studying in CASM as of now. Momo plans on graduating in sound engineering. She loves a good thriller, but also a nice romance movie. She loves anything that has sound. Rather it be movies, music, podcast, anything media. Hatchi wants to learn Japanese and study abroad and when she gets older she wants to become a photographer. Scary and a fair amount of romance movies bore her but she loves mysterious and suspenseful movies.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Night of the Living Dead (1968)! (Momo's Review)

"They're going to get you, Barbara!" The most remembered quote of this movie. What movie exactly? The famous zombie film "Night of the Living Dead" which was made in 1968 and directed by George A. Romero! Did the movie seem as great as the 60's made it seem? We, Momo and Hatchi, have to disagree. The budget provided for this film would leave us to assume that this would be a spectacular creation! Don't take this in the wrong way, the story line was great, but the effects were just horrible. For example, one of the scenes showed that it was day time, when the film was taking place at night! How weird is that? Also, the actors that played the zombies, or in the film "gouls," did not even show that they were trying to act! The "gouls" were walking as if they were still alive!

Now onto the good things of the film. It was more funny then scary, but it also gets you thinking! The movie started off as siblings, Barbara (Actress Judith O'Dea) and Johnny (Actor Russell Streiner) were visiting their father's grave. The siblings were goofing around, when a man suddenly appeared. But, they didn't know the man was a zombie. Barbara was attacked, then Johnny saved her, eventually dying. Barbara ran away to an abandoned house, sheltering herself there. Later on, a man named Ben (Actor Duane Jones) joined Barbara in the fight for survival. More people come in later of the movie, but they do not matter as much. The ending was extremely twisted, and wasn't pleasant to see, but it was a good ending. A complete shocker!

Would we suggest this movie to someone? This all depends. If you are looking for something to scare you, this movie is not the movie for you! The movie was more funny then anything. This movie also gets you thinking. "What would you do if you were in this situation?" are one of the questions you will be asking if you saw this film.

This film received one award for National Film Registry. Not much of an award. But, as you are watching this movie, take into consideration of when this film was created! For the 60's, it was pretty good. This is Momo and Hatchi concluding this review with a couple of statements. When it comes to the movie effects, this movie deserves a mask! When it comes to creativity and entertainment, don't hesitate to take the time to come across it!

Duane Jones
Judith O'Dea
Karl Hardman
Marilyn Eastman
Keith Wayne
Judith Ridley
Kyra Schon
Charles Craig
S. William Hinzman
George Kosana


George A. Romero

John A. Russ

George A. Romero

Karl Hardman
Russell Streiner
Scott Vladimir Licina
George A. Romero
George A. Romero

John A. Russo
Bruce Capristo
Karl Hardman

George Kosana
Vincent D. Survinski

Charles O'Dato

Marshall Booth
Gary Streiner

Karl Hardman

Tony Pantanella

Regis Survinski

Jacqueline Streiner

S. William Hinzman

Jean-Pierre Nutini
Joseph Unitas

Karl Hardman

S. William Hinzman

Rick Catizone

Dean Lachiusa

Emil Cadkin
Ib Glindemann

Philip Green

Geordie Hormel

William Loose

Jack Meakin

Spencer Moore
Betty Ellen Haughey
Dean Lachiusa

Dean Lachiusa

John A. Russo

Jacqueline Streiner

Run Time:
96 minutes

Not rated.

Beat Sheet:

1. Opening Image (1): Barbara and John are heading to a cemetery to visit their dead dad.

2. Theme Stated (5): "They're going to get ya!"

3. Set-Up (1-10): Barbra and Johnny were goofing off in cemetery.

4. Catalyst (12): The random guy in the cemetery all of a sudden he grabs Barbra while she was running away from Johnny.

5. Debate (12-25): Barbra doesn't want to stay in the house, she wants to go and save her brother.

6. Break into Two (25): The zombies are surrounding the house.

7. B Story (30): While Barbra was wondering around the house trying to figure out what to do, Ben breaks in and questions Barbra about what is happening.

8. Fun and Games (30-55):

9. Midpoint (55): Mr. and Mrs. Cooper come in.

10. Bad Guys Close In (55-75): The zombies finally break into the house.

11. All Is Lost (75): The zombies manage to get Barbra, then Mr. Cooper's daughter turns into a zombie and kills her mother.

12. Dark Night of the Soul (75-85): Ben doesn't know what to do but he ends up falling asleep.

13. Break into Three (85): He wakes up, sees that everything is back to normal and heads out of the house.

14. Finale (85-110): People finally came to rescue them.

15. Final Image (110): The people mistaken Ben for a zombie and kill him.

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